FDA Draft Guidance on Dental Curing Lights: Overview
The article highlights the key points related to the regulatory requirements for dental curing lights intended to be marketed and used in the US.
The article highlights the key points related to the regulatory requirements for dental curing lights intended to be marketed and used in the US.
The new article pays special attention to the matters related to electromagnetic compatibility, as well as non-clinical performance testing the products covered by the scope of the guidance should undergo in order to demonstrate compliance with the relevant regulatory requirements in terms of safety and effectiveness.
The new article provides additional details regarding the specific aspects associated with dental curing lights and the regulatory requirements they are subject to under the existing legal framework.
The article provides a general overview of the existing legal framework, paying attention to the most important regulatory matters.
The new article describes in detail certain specific aspects pertaining to the regulatory requirements dental composite resin devices should comply with in order to be allowed for marketing and use in the US.